Forgotten Gods - November 10th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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November 10th, 2009

[Nov. 10th, 2009|01:23 pm]


Hey party animals! If Death's Halloween do wasn't enough to satisfy you, don't forget to check out these parties:

Hecate is hosting a party at her place, theoretically for the chthonic/underworld gods but nobody will be turned away.

And Thalia's comedy room opens tonight - come for the funnies, stay for the drinks!

(Also, my internet is being a little shit at the moment so apologies if I'm slow with tags. Whenever the temperature gets up past the mid-twenties my modem just sooks out. Aaaaand we're in a heatwave at the moment so internet fail abounds. D:)
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Woooo Photomanips [Nov. 10th, 2009|03:50 pm]
[music |"I Came 2 Party" by Cinema Bizarrre]

Hope these aren't too terrible. The bug hit to try a few photo-manips of my own. Hope it makes you feel better! XD I'm not that great at them, but I tried~

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