Forgotten Gods - November 6th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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November 6th, 2009

[Nov. 6th, 2009|06:35 pm]
Hello all!

New player here! [info]itsnotyouitsme first pointed me at Forgotten Gods several months ago, but I only got around to applying a few days ago. Iʻm definitely excited to get started playing!

My first character is Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes and fire. She goes by Lehualani Maile around mortals. She runs a pottery/ceramics studio in Manhattan, since it gives her the opportunity to make stuff with earth materials and solidify it with heat. Not quite as good as popping up new volcanoes everywhere, but hey, what can you do? If you care to read more about her, clicky here!

As for me, Iʻm Julian, and Iʻm a grad student in geophysics (which probably explains a lot). Iʻm on Pacific time, and my activity will probably be concentrated later in the week, at least as long as I have this particular schedule of classes. I am definitely up for all sorts of plotting! If you want to reach me, my email (and Google messenger) is mityashostak at gmail dot com. Iʻm also on AIM as Seismogenic.

Nice to meet you all, and Iʻm looking forward to playing!
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[Nov. 6th, 2009|06:45 pm]



How's My Driving?

Activity check's over, which means it's time once again for the monthly HMD.

For those new to HMD posts, this is basically a chance for players to offer each other comments, constructive criticism, concerns and thoughts about the way others' characters are being portrayed. The idea is to give people a sense of how they're going with their characters and whether there's anything they can improve on, as well as getting any concerns that folk might have out in the open.

As players aren't always comfortable approaching certain people with criticisms, anonymous commenting is enabled. I'm sure I don't need to tell anyone that whether or not you choose to respond anonymously, all comments should be respectful and constructive. Concrit is always helpful, but downright criticism and nitpicking rarely is and flaming will absolutely not be tolerated.

HMDs are completely voluntary and, although it's strongly recommended, nobody is required to be involved in this. If you do want to offer your character/s up for comments, however, just respond to this post with their name/s.

To report any errors, please reply to this comment.
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[Nov. 6th, 2009|07:44 pm]

My name is Ellie (and I'm new, in case you couldn't tell), and I bring you Paris of Troy. He's a bit of a brat and likes to party. Don't annoy him and he will be one of the nicest guys to have around. Ummm I'm bad at intros so more on him is here~

If you guys want to plot, I can be contacted at by email or at eternalgreyblood for aim. For msn I'm

I'm open for anything.

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Last one; Question! [Nov. 6th, 2009|07:46 pm]



It's Friday night and I've chosen to stay inside and RP instead of going out. Before you lecture me on my lameosity, answer this!

Where will your characters be in ten years?

Share my Friday night lameness! )

<3 Kendra
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Dearly beloved... [Nov. 6th, 2009|07:48 pm]


[mood | bouncy]

Jill here, bringing you a new character of the obscure Greek variety - Hymenaios, God of Weddings and the Marriage Ceremony. His bio is in his journal, and I'm sure some of you Greeks will be thrilled to see yet another of Aphrodite's children (with Dionysus) running about.

His mortal name is Galen Naios, he's an ordained pagan minister and a college student at NYU. He's a budding relationship councilor and aspiring wedding planner, plays football (he's the kicker), and has quite the sharp tongue on him especially when dealing with those who don't seem to take the vows of marriage seriously. Also, he does everything he can to hide that he's a god, which is easy since most haven't heard of him.

Hopefully he'll make some friends, and if anyone wants to plot with him, Apollo, Blues, Echo, or Raven I can still be reached at la belle roo on AIM or by email at Looking forward to getting him going!

Edit: I've decided to drop Agrat Bat Mahlat, I don't feel I really was doing her justice. I'm sorry to anyone who had been close with her, but her time under my purview has come to an end - friend remove [info]brazenly
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[Nov. 6th, 2009|09:31 pm]


Circe here, bringing in the lovely Briseis, kidnapped concubine of Achilles and all together helpless Greek girl thrown about between far more powerful men. She spent most of her mortal life being mistreated by men and helpless to do anything, so now that she's got a second go of it she is incredibly involved in women's rights. (Too bad Feminism isn't in game because she would be Briseis' hero, but as it is she'll probably be a HUGE fan of LGBTQ Culture) Her bio is here, and she's in the process of moving to New York with her boyfriend.

Surprise, Achilles! The wife's in town!

I am still heavyrockdiva if anyone wants to plot. Can't wait to get this girl going in game properly :D
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