Forgotten Gods - October 17th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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October 17th, 2009

[Oct. 17th, 2009|02:30 am]


[mood | amused]

I got bored and after this ridiculous conversation with Ren about Achilles' ability to stop wars with his epic pouting and how Zeus is one big furry fetish fan, I decided to make icons out of them. They aren't great, but mainly used for the lulz.

And Arachne ooc post about Zeus' philandering ways is to appropriate XD

EPIC Pout )
Zeus: The Real Furry Fetish )
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New Player, hello etc [Oct. 17th, 2009|01:56 pm]


Hi! My name is Amy, and I'm the new Paparazzi. I never followed the game before I applied, so although I understand that the first Paparazzi had a lot of friends and relationships, I'm pretty unfamiliar with them (except Media and Peer Pressure, natch).

So if you're interested in picking those up again, hit me the heck up, y'all. There's a distinct possibility that I'll flail at first, but I'm a fast learner. And I'm always open to plot and moar backstory, so any time is a good time!

It's lovely to meet you all, and I'm pretty sure this game is the shit.
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Osiris! [Oct. 17th, 2009|10:55 pm]
I bring you Osiris, Egyptian god of the dead! His information is here, and I'm always up for plots and funtimes. I can be reached on AIM at 'ChelseaMac90'

Chelsea [Quetzalcoatl, Osiris]
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More Artsies [Oct. 17th, 2009|11:15 pm]


[music |"Remember" by Josh Groban]

I come again. I come with funnies, some requests and other's just me doodling out of my head. Still on my list are Gluttony and one of Jill's characters (I hadn't picked yet! But I think I'll go with Raven). I also got an idea to swing through with my Robin. Anyways. This is what reading The Iliad does my friends. Enjoy!

Another Lulz worthy comic ~

Cassandra )


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