Forgotten Gods - October 2nd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 2nd, 2009

Not dead yet! [Oct. 2nd, 2009|07:56 am]
For those who may be interested, I have not dropped off the face of the Earth.

Instead, the last week and a half or so have been unexpectedly, well, really busy. My Master's program has picked up, and some RL stuff has come to remind me it exists. Overall, lots of fun.

So - welcome to the new players, hello to everyone else, and email is still the best way to find me. I don't think I really dropped the ball on any tags or whatever, but if I did I apologize greatly. Feel free to poke me if you're interested in something or whatever.

Frigg, Hollywood, and Ose (better known as Matt)
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[Oct. 2nd, 2009|11:38 pm]
Hi folks! This is Shira, on a vast whim of resolve-sweeping-away proportions bringing you the Christian virtue of Kindness.

She's taken on a much... younger look, recently, but don't let it fool you! She's whimsical, purposeful, genuine, slightly sarcastic, and more than a bit fearless. And since 'kindness' is one of those universal virtues, she packs a kick.

Here's hoping for more fun times with all! AIM's SomeScribbles321 should you all want to plot!
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