Forgotten Gods - September 22nd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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September 22nd, 2009

Possible absences? [Sep. 22nd, 2009|09:55 am]
[mood | anxious]

Hey guys-- I live in Georgia, which is currently undergoing crazy flooding that hasn't been seen in over a hundred years. o.O Yesterday the rain and thunderstorms were bad enough to knock out my cable for half the day, so I couldn't get online (believe me, I was going STIR CRAZY too). Flooding shouldn't be an issue, but the power thing is likely to happen again (especially as we're supposed to have continued rain and thunderstorms every day until Monday), so, just so you know that if I'm not around or responding or anything, it's probably because of the interwebs and crazy weather and not because I don't love you! ^_^

~Legend (Atalanta/SF&F)
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[Sep. 22nd, 2009|11:54 am]
Hello! I'm Penny, a new player here, bringing in one Tezcatlipoca from the Aztec pantheon. He's been asleep for a lot of the twentieth century, and only really came back into the "mortal world" in 2004, when he started making a name for himself managing the careers of some promising models. He likes the pretty, after all, and the money he gets from it is certainly very nice, without all that pesky law enforcement trouble that comes with being less than law-abiding.

Tezcatlipoca's reasonably amiable to most people, although he does have a superiority complex the size of a small moon, but if you get on his bad side, then he can be an utter bastard. He doesn't have any particular hate-on for the other Aztecs, although he doesn't get on all that well with Certain Members Of The Pantheon, I Won't Name Any Names But A Feathered Serpent Might Be Involved.

He does currently have a "pet" human; his follower Dominic, who helped him create the mortal identity he's using right now. Dominic's currently being NPCed, but if anyone is thinking of picking up a mortal and might be interested, I'd love to have him in-game, and I'm quite willing to give you any information you need about him.

I'm contactable via email at or on AIM at theabbreviated. I'm looking forward to playing with you all!
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[Sep. 22nd, 2009|07:48 pm]
Hallo all!

Michelle here, just dropping by to say that I am slowly edging my way back into play :)
D*Con was fantastic, Eddie was sorely missed, but Mary was georgeous, and Hogan and Kate were fantastic we need Ellen and Tigh PBs in game, s'il vous plait? The flu once I got home, I could do without though :(

I know I have heaps of backstory/old posts to work my way through - Sam, Lennon, Cass, Vicky...anyone else I've missed?
I'd LOVE to give Frank here some love, so if anyone needs a US Senator, please raise your hand :D
Oh! And Forseti too - Norse need some love as well <3

Other than that, I need to get back to work (this tax course is doing my head in), and I look forward to playing with you all again very shortly!

xx Michelle
(Litigation, Uncle Sam, Britannia, Cass Wilson, Frank James, Forseti)
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[Sep. 22nd, 2009|08:53 pm]

Anyway this is Leviathan. One of the four kings of Hell and the gateway to Hell itself as you gotta walk through Levi's mouth to get there! Which sounds wrong but hey whatever right? <_< Much plotting is to be had. I'm looking at you Hell folk!
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