Forgotten Gods - August 25th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 25th, 2009

Introducing Sita [Aug. 25th, 2009|04:15 pm]
'Sup? Presenting Sita, one of the Hindu Goddesses who's primarily known for being a perpetually good, dutiful, patient, loving wife. Her story is laid out in The Ramayana -- her husband, Vishnu-incarnate Rama is thrown into the forest at the request of his jealous stepmother and Sita follows him there, where she is kidnapped by Rama's biggest enemy Ravana, rescued...and promptly thrown into the fire because Rama doesn't believe she's been faithful to him. Since Sita was indeed faithful she wasn't burned at all, but Rama's constituents (who recognize him as their leader once Rama is re-instated to his rightful throne after an epic battle with Ravana) don't believe that Sita was faithful. Rama decides to listen to them instead of listening to her, and banishes Sita (pregnant with his twins at the time) into the forest. Sita demands that she be removed from this unjust world, and rightly so. After birthing Rama's kids and seeing them accepted by Rama, the world swallows Sita whole and takes her to a better place.

Sita is used as an example to young girls in how to be faithful wives and patient women, more or less. I'm writing her as having voluntarily chosen to end her exile in a bid to make peace with her past and how fucked up it was. Sita explores her pain by helping others with their pain -- she's a professional life coach, so if any of you have characters that may fit for life coaching or may even fit for being that darling friend that can help Sita through her muck, give me a holler! Obviously lines with any of the Hindu Gods/Goddesses would work as well. I can be found on AIM (a passive hunter) or contacted through email (
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Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice. [Aug. 25th, 2009|10:26 pm]

Because I'm re-watching the dazzlingly beautiful Strings, something came to mind.

Meme time!

"The human voice is the organ of the soul." ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Characters & Voices

How do you imagine your characters' voices? In my experience, they frequently don't match the PB's (or we have never heard the PB speak). Is it quiet, loud, gruff, shrill, light? Do they have a voice!PB? Do they have a marked accent?

...Because I can tell you Raphael doesn't have that gorgeous Aussie accent Simon Baker tosses about like candy ^^;
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