Forgotten Gods - August 17th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 17th, 2009

~It is better to play than do nothing.~ --Confucius [Aug. 17th, 2009|08:20 am]


"The true object of all human life is play." ~G K Chesterton

Translation: anybody up for threading together a bit of fun with my monsters? Though the Internet situation continues to be frustrating, FG withdrawal symptoms are getting too itchy to bear. I can't promise fast responses but I can promise they'll fairly lengthy and consistent.

So, come on, let's go for a round.

Hana "Hannah" Sato [[info]night_yen] == Past threads are A-OK.

Allegra Lenkeit [[info]h8texpectations] == Experimental drinking, merry brawling, and outlandish acts of good natured vandalism preferred.

Elpis [[info]h8texpectations] == Likes flowers. And is mildly unstable. Ok, yeah, so I've to figure this one out.

Also, up for rent are the NPCs, specifically the charmingly overworked Mischa and a Lar who gets testy if forced to venture outside Manhattan.
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[Aug. 17th, 2009|01:13 pm]
Hello all,

I bring you a new character I thought I'd try out: Wendy Bridelle aka Weddings/The Bridal Industry. To be clear, she has nothing to do with marriage, just the over the top spectacles that American weddings have become over the last century or so. Prank filled stag/stagette parties, designer wedding dresses, fireworks at the reception, guest lists over 500+ - that's all her.

She's bright, she's bubbly, she's cheerful, she's melodramatic. More to the point, she's the original Bridezilla. :D

I'm reachable at for any plots etc. for her, or any of my others.

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