Forgotten Gods - July 30th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 30th, 2009

Just FYI [Jul. 30th, 2009|09:15 pm]
From today (the 30th of July) through next Wednesday (August 5), I've got the in-person portion of the introductory class for my grad degree. All day. Seven days straight.


If today's anything to go by - I'll be mostly brain-dead when I get home. Still happy to talk/plot/etc on AIM (or email), but just giving people a head's up that I've not died when it comes to anything longer than short things on Beelz's Twitter.

-Willa (Beelzebub, Frigg, Hollywood, and Environmentalism)
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[Jul. 30th, 2009|09:52 pm]


Another carny for everyone's pleasure, though some more than others~♥ (here's looking to you strong, silent and stoic carny-types, BE PREPARED FOR HARASSMENT, OH YES!)

Here be a mortal, Stasya, another of Archie's infamous kootch girls, and general filler wherever she's needed around the fairgrounds.

#10. Oy. Erynn716 on AIM like all the rest.
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[Jul. 30th, 2009|10:03 pm]
Nik here bringing you more carnies.

Meet the Fortune tellers, Eleanor and Louise. Fraternal twins who have been running with Archie's show since they were fifteen. They'll swindle you as soon as look at you. Oh, and watch out for Eleanor - she's very apt when predicting someone's death and not much else.

Plotting with these girls or any of my others is always welcome.
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