Forgotten Gods - July 27th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 27th, 2009

[Jul. 27th, 2009|11:05 am]
Why I'm not changing from History Channel Today (Starting at 8am). Figured someone else would be interested, especially those of us that play Drug Gods. Also, yay, hippies!

-Cassie (Lilith, Speed, Hippie)
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Enter Dorian Feenix, mortal [Jul. 27th, 2009|06:15 pm]



Ling here with another mortal. Meet Dorian Feenix. He's good with knives and ropes, has a very good memory, has genuine carny blood flowing through his veins, likes bottle caps and... not much else. Watch out for your wallets when you're around him and be nice to Professor Lockhart or else...

His personality and history are in his user profile.

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Eep [Jul. 27th, 2009|08:33 pm]
Hey all - I told a few of you this already, but I'm in Dallas for a conference with work. I thought that I'd be free in the evenings, but it turns out I'm really, really not, even though I have a room to myself.

So this is just to say that I'll be back on Friday, and then have the rest of my summer (THANK GOD) to myself

<3 Bette
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I aten't dead [Jul. 27th, 2009|09:27 pm]


[mood | busy]

...and neither is Soujin, she's just visiting me IRL. Normal angsty-Arthurian-and-wacky-mortal service will resume early next month.
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