Forgotten Gods - June 7th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 7th, 2009

[Jun. 7th, 2009|10:26 am]

jkasdhakhcdbvhj Okay, so I had less spare time pre-move than I had thought, and I apologise profusely once more for being such a waste of space. I'm literally on my way to Canada now, though!! So in a week or so I'll be ready to play-catch up again. Anybody who wants to give me a rundown on anything of crucial importance to either Thalia or Chastity gets love, hugs, and postcards~ ♥

Erika the fail!
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GAH! FAIL TO THE MAX! [Jun. 7th, 2009|04:16 pm]
[mood | cheerful]

H'okai! HAIIIIII EVERYONE! I'm impatient and I have no control!! You guys weren't lying when you said this game was addictive! I'd like to introduce the newest addition to the Christian / Jewish Pantheon: Belial [info]without_worth. He's pleased to be here, and ready to cause mayhem and corruption in New York City! Yes, that is the nommy Ioan Gruffudd as his PB. All his information is here. And I'll be making a character information chart soon, too.

He's an interesting cookie, and there are so many interpretations of him it's hard to really grasp which one to go with... so... I kind of molded a few ideas together. I made his history a little vague, to leave room for other Christian deities to fit in, and plot with. Currently, he will say he's unemployed, but for the lifestyle he lives, that's hard to believe. It's rumored that he runs an underground prostitution ring, and earns a lot of his money unlawfully - hosting cock fights, dog fights, backyard boxing/wrestling, human trafficking (sexual slavery), drug trafficking, dealing illegal arms, the list is endless, really. His alias at the moment is Benjamin Matanbuchus. Don't call him Ben, he will get mad, and offended. I think that's all that needs to be known for now. Anything else can be found on the character chart.

On top of taking on a new character, I have decided to drop Amelia Earhart [info]female_aviator. I love the character to piece, but she just... wasn't working out for me. I guess I couldn't succeed in fitting her into the game. So, buh-bai Amelia, and HELLOOOOOOOOOO Belial! Mwahahaa!

Um, I think that is all. If you guys want to plot, all my characters are open for plotting (Paparazzi, Polyhymnia, Mary Magdalene, Comic Books... and now Belial!) My contact is still the same: AIM: girly deadpool or e-mail: or PM any of my journals!

Happy gaming, ♥

EDIT// I just realized all my character journals have the same style user name. word_word, all of them! LOOK! [info]the_411, [info]christos_anesti, [info]many_hymns, [info]comic_geek, and [info]without_worth... even my private journal is that same style. It's.... weird. I never noticed that before. I should really change that up once in a while.
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Guan Yu is here [Jun. 7th, 2009|09:10 pm]
Hey everybody, I've brought Guan Yu into the game. The first member of the Chinese pantheon, Guan Yu is the God of War and serves mainly as a protector god to the Chinese people. He's a friendly god, on the side of virtue and justice. He's known to dip into the dark side of things to get revenge, but only when necessary. You'll find him hanging out in Chinatown of NYC, but he knows the city well enough to find and stop trouble when it rears its ugly head. Guan Yu is officially part of the Cunfucian, Taoist and Buddhist pantheons, so anyone interested in those can count him in there.

His current persona is Gui Chen, security specialist. Mainly he investigates, prosecutes and executes any one that violates the security of all the Chinese shops he consults for. He is quite curious about the other pantheons, especially older ones that rival the Chinese pantheon for longevity. Gui spends his off-time wandering the city, looking for allies and scouting out his enemies. As the Chinese God of War, he never really stops assessing things from a military point of view.

I go by Skrav online, and can be reached at Skraved on AIM(when I'm on, not much at the moment) but also my e-mail, My journal is guanyu and I'm really looking forward to playing!
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