Forgotten Gods - May 22nd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 22nd, 2009

You're the top! You're a Bendel bonnet, a Shakespeare's sonne!. [May. 22nd, 2009|09:28 am]



Y'know those days when you feel about as shiny as the stuff ringing your tub? Or as sunny as the cat's dinner--on its way back up? Yeah, those days.


You're the top!
You're the Coliseum.
You're the top!
You're the Louver Museum.

The "Spread the Love, Share the Bliss" character meme. Thread. Thing? Whatever. Comment and hear something nice about your character--and thus you. Or drop by to leave a nice word about someone else. That's right, it's free ego-hugs! Be it sincere or absurd but, by golly, someone's getting complimented.

(If you've never played with the character in question--who cares? Tell them how awesome the PB choice is or how his/her aura smells like roasted strawberries.)

You're the National Gallery
You're Garbo's salary,
You're cellophane.
You're sublime,
You're turkey dinner,
You're the time, the time of a Derby winner

PS: Um, do mention who your character(s) is/are, mmmkay?
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[May. 22nd, 2009|01:18 pm]


Just spent the morning wrestling with our IP comp to get our internet back and I know I owe tags (sorry Bette, sorry Kendra) but before I dive into that, just wanted to let you all know that I'm heading home for the weekend and might not be around that much. My bus leaves at 9 tomorrow and I'm contemplating whether or not to try to sleep tonight and if I do, that means I won't be around until 5 AM like usual (sorry Vari <3).

So, yeah, that's it, all threads will be tagged soon and, as always, my characters are open for plottage when I'm actually around. XD Much love!
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[May. 22nd, 2009|02:21 pm]
Hey, sportsfans, Shay here. Just letting you all know that I will be completely gone Saturday and most of sunday.

Eris is being a bother.

Hades is gettin' his kidnap on.

Death is making bad choices.

Querry is frolicking.

College is doin' College things.

Dylan is daydreaming about Hazel/Heroin.

I will try to tag all of my threads tonight before I leave! Peace out,
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[May. 22nd, 2009|10:56 pm]


FORGIVE THE DOLT.  I posted this to Lust's journal rather than the OOC Comm, so please forgive the dual postings >.<    ANYWHO:

Patience is not a virtue I possess, so once again, not waiting for comm approval to get cracking. 8D

Finally stepping outside of my Greek/Christian box for a New God, so now I'm introducing Wind Power ([info]unfettered) into the mix of things.  Here is her info, she'll be flitting around, most assuredly giving the other resources a run for their money since times, they are a'changing and never before has she been stronger.  She's a bit of a reformed hippie, falling in with the tree huggers and whatnot during the 60's and 70's and evolving more so as Wind Farms and technologies changed with the times. 

She will also be on the lookout for that ex-Teddy Bear of hers, but that is an entirely different story to unfold later >D

Contact info for Amaterasu, Zelus, Lust, Eos and Raum remains the same at erynn716[at] or Erynn716 on AIM.
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