Forgotten Gods - May 10th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 10th, 2009

Three's enough, yeah? [May. 10th, 2009|09:31 am]
Hey boys and girls and everything in between! Brianna, here! The girl who brought you Paparazzi [info]the_411, and Mary Magdalene [info]christos_anesti

It's that time once again to introduce a new character - and hopefully my FINAL one... unless that Al Capone muse rears its ugly head!. I am proud to introduce to you, Polyhymnia [info]many_hymns. Yes, she's a Muse. All her information can be found here. I definitely recommend checking it out, because there is so much more explained in there than I can possibly explain in this post.

Polyhymnia - now going by Polly Hymnia - is the Muse of sacred poetry, sacred hymn and eloquence as well as agriculture and pantomime. Occasionally she is credited as the Muse of geometry and meditation. Polly is completely and utterly mute, it's not because she is deaf, no... she can hear perfectly well. She does not talk at all. However, she was given a special power to communicate through her hands, building extravagant and intricate stories with her hands, and capable of using her mind to talk as well. Considering this day in age, Polly is wary to use this "power" around mortals, and will always been seen with a pad and pen to communicate when necessary. She is currently working as one of the famed conductors and composers for the New York Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. She likes that, since sacred poetry and hymns have gone down, this is way for her to create music on her own terms.

I know she is anxious to meet up with her sisters! And I know I can't wait to start plotting, and interacting with everyone! If you want to plot/talk/shoot the breeze? Hit me up on AIM: girly deadpool. or E-mail: or PM any of my journals!

xoxo, Brianna!
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[May. 10th, 2009|02:23 pm]
Jamie here, with new character: Susuno'o of the Japanese mythology.

He's the brother of Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, born from snot in the myths and then banished to Earth in the end. Japanese myths are crazy, man, so I'm not going to even try to explain and try not to break your brains. His personality/info is here if you'd like to see exactly why his siblings don't like him much and why being born of snot is not a good thing at all.

Job-wise, Sus is NYPD (he's not quite the psycho that he can't handle a gun) and specializes in interrogation. That's so far what I have on the specifics, but if any one has any ideas/plots that needs a police officer, I'll be more than happy to offer Sus up. I think there's a lack of them about, so have at!
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[May. 10th, 2009|03:29 pm]

Hi! I'm D, I'm new here, so I thought I'd drop in a little greeting and introduce  you all to a brand new version of Hermaphroditos!
I noticed there was someone playing him a couple of months ago, so if anyone had any kind of line or anything going on with him then let me know and I will do my best to accomodate your needs. Especially Aphrodite's player! 

I won't go into detail about him here, since it's all written down here , feel free to have a nose about and then ping me if the mood strikes you! I'm English, so I live on awkward timezones to most people I know, but I'm ALWAYS on gtalk on my phone and AIM a good majority of the time, so easy access Brit at least.

I'm ridiculously stoked about this game, you should know. Enthusiasm, I has much of it, so expect to see me bouncing around and getting Hari all up in your characters journals. Hopefully in the least irritating way possible.

Pleased to meet you all! And I hope to talk to...all of you, yes, all of you soon!

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Zeus and Mother's Day [May. 10th, 2009|05:55 pm]
I would send this out IC, but it's just SO MANY OF YOU so I just wanted to note that all of Zeus' female offspring, grandoffspring, baby's mamas, and siblings (as long as he knows/knew they were in the city, even if his relationship with them is bad) received bouquets of white and pink roses.

This is with the exception of Hera because her gift will be different. He's going for the white symbolizing unity and loyalty, and the pink for elegance and gentility.


ETA: The note just says 'Happy Mother's Day - R. Zugios'
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Intro [May. 10th, 2009|07:56 pm]
Tax time is here! Actually, that was a month ago, but with the Goddess of Tax around, it's always time to pay. (I know, it's a terrible pun. I couldn't resist). Ivy (as she goes by now) is aking a well-earned vacation from her home in D.C. and is looking to meet up with old friends/enemies/business partners.
Tax has been around a long time- she's probably one of the oldest of the new gods. Closely involved with government, Tax is great at tripping people up with red tape and using her network to get things done. She's very friendly, and currently looking for a new market for her talents.

You can read more about her in her journal

Tax has been around for a while, so feel free to hit me up for backstory, too!

Email: skravelle(at)
Aim: skravelle
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[May. 10th, 2009|08:10 pm]


Hello, all. I just wanted to toss up a warning that I may be very, very slow to answer any comments and to tag back in the coming week. It's the end of the semester and besides having a final paper due, I've been sick and it's just not letting go. I'm hoping to be back to something more resembling normal in a few days, but until then, Morpheus, Iris, Triton, Boreas, Caerus and iPod will likely not be around much. If anyone needs anything from one or more, e-mail me and I will get back to you as soon as I can!
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[May. 10th, 2009|08:27 pm]
Hello, hello. I'm Abbey, the girl behind your friendly neighbourhood Coyote. I'm new to the game, but after chatting with a couple of the members, I get the feeling I'll be right at home here. And I hope you're all not too aggrieved to have me! If I get attached, just use the nonstick grease and I should come right off.

There's a lot to be said about Coyote, but rather than wax lyrical I'll keep it short and sweet, and summarise by saying that he is the god of being a pain in the neck. He's not a particularly good-natured trickster, although he has done his share of heroics, which he's currently making up for with an excess of peskiness. For a long time he was in Texas with the rattlesnakes, but has migrated to New York to get in on the troublemaking he was missing out on. He can be the thorn in your side or the one who takes it out (though probably not with all gentleness), so buy him lunch sometime and treat him nice.

I'm itching to get him into the swing of things, and I love to facilitate storylines, so give me whatever you've got! Need something stolen? An unhappy wife swept off her feet or tricked into bed? A middleman in your deal with the devil? Coyote is your all-purpose firestarter and occasional vigilante. Give this attention-starved pup a pat on the head or two and he'll love you when the mood strikes forever.
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[May. 10th, 2009|08:43 pm]



Okay, so technically our birthday's not till next weekend. I was never very good at being patient. Though I might throw a few bonus graphicky things out there later this week since I'm sure there are one or two I've inadvertently forgotten. >_>


Happy birthday, us! )
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