Forgotten Gods - May 2nd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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May 2nd, 2009

[May. 2nd, 2009|07:05 pm]
HI! It's Cassie ( Speed and Lilith) with Hippie Subculture, but call her/him Hippie. Or Autumn. Or Jude. It depends on if s/he's in a female or male mood, but atm Hippie is a her. Anywho she's all about peace and love and sex and rock and roll, and she probably like you. Unless you're some sort of War god or god of hate. Then, not so much. She won't hate you, she'll just be generally annoyed by you and spout out things about love and peace and fellowship. She'll try to convert anyone and everyone, but in a happy friendly sort of way. But in general she's a fun god/goddess. And I suck at intros. The End.
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