Forgotten Gods - April 15th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 15th, 2009

[Apr. 15th, 2009|08:31 am]



Because I continue to delve deeper into insanity this is Nik (AGAIN) and this time I bring you WAR.

This ought to be my last for a good long while. If not I ask that anyone smack me upside the head if I so much as even think about looking at the wanted list.
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[Apr. 15th, 2009|09:04 am]
Hey there! This is Angela... again... I KNOW! I clearly have no self control. Temperance most certainly has not rubbed off on me. DON'T JUDGE ME! But this one has been nagging me for a while now. I give you... Cleopatra! *SQUEE*

She's definitely the most twisted character I have. Overall, she is an uber bitch, doesn't care about anyone but herself (except Mark Antony and their kids) and doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. She's no stranger to murder and would kill to get what she wants, or if she felt her life is in danger. She's cunning, manipulative, and devious. She's also very vicious. Stay on her good side, and all should be well. But become her enemy, you might as well bring out the death warrant. She's very careful about those she spends her time with... and has even done background checks. >.> Yeah, she's a tad paranoid. To her, everyone is a pawn and when she finds someone who might be helpful to her she doesn't hesitate to convince them to "come to her side". She can be nice, but there's usually some hidden motive behind it. Very rarely is she nice because she wants to be. *evil cackle*

Anywho, she's dark and twisted and just messed up in general. She doesn't have morals, doesn't care. So if you want to plot with her, let me know! <3


P.S. BTW a Mark Antony would be just... OMG WONDERFUL. Someone please app him so they can have an epic reunion! *BEGS*
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Um, oops. [Apr. 15th, 2009|11:40 am]
[mood | silly]

If you got a friend request from a [info]nomureyes that's my Raven journal and he hasn't been accepted yet. Sorry, I was updating my FL for my other characters and didn't realize I was logged into the wrong one. If you didn't, ignore this.

Sorry for the confusion.

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notice of fail [Apr. 15th, 2009|01:37 pm]
This is just an FYI that I know my kids have been lacking (more than usual) of late and that any current threads are being tagged at a snail's pace. This is because I'm sort of in a General Life Funk of late, which will hopefully be going away ASAP. Unfortunately, I can't gauge when, exactly, that will be so in the meantime, I am doing my best to keep my characters out there as much as I can and I am keeping up with the game as a whole. So please, bear with me.

However, if anyone would like any of mine for something, please do let me know (e-mail would be your best bet these days)! Who knows, it could just be the spark I need to get back into the swing of things.

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[Apr. 15th, 2009|02:16 pm]


Hey dudes, it's Kat again, bringing you my very first mortal character -- Laura James! To make a long story short, she fell in love with Jesse twelve years ago, married him ten years ago, and had two wonderful children. She just thinks it's a bizarre coincidence (or his parents' twisted sense of humor) that her husband just happens to have the same name as the outlaw of the old West. She's very much a sweet June Cleaver-type of housewife, stay-at-home mom, god-fearing Christian woman. And she has no idea that there's any such thing as an immortal, divine or formerly-mortal, living in New York. Therefore, I wish to throw her into interactions with immortals, wherein she is utterly clueless and just thinks they're maybe a bit eccentric. It would be awesome!

I don't quite know how to work out her journal and f-list setup yet, but I have the basic idea that if it can't "pass" as a normal entry by a regular mortal person, Laura can't see it. If that makes sense. And as usual, if you're interested in plot or anything, my AIM is TheUpperEchelon.
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