Forgotten Gods - March 16th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 16th, 2009

I spent the weekend writing about werewolves making sandwiches--FOR SCIENCE! (You?) [Mar. 16th, 2009|07:49 am]


First off: eeeeep!

Major apologies to anyone--and everyone--whose threads I've ran away from lately. It was a bit of a...weird week. They breed like bunnies, they do. I shall be renounce my irresponsible stinky ways and make amends, and posts, soon. Very soon. Like, very very soon. Look, I'm composing menus and vault details as you're reading, alright?

Second: first (rough) draft of the Henson party photo mess. (To the people involved: MORE PICTURES, HEATHENS! MORE! Also, if your kid is wearing kimono and you have a photo reference in mind--share. Seriously.)

Third: Where did Ares find a top hat?
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Woo! [Mar. 16th, 2009|03:57 pm]
Got my computer back! Sorry for the delay and disappearing. I know that Heracles and Noche have quite a few things to tag to, and I'll be hitting those as soon as I get all caught up.

Anyone want to plot anything out, let me know too? I'm excited to be back!
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omg, brb from life [Mar. 16th, 2009|06:01 pm]


Midterms! Papers! Flying home!

But I'll be back with your regularly scheduled characters on Wednesday evening.

In the meantime, anyone want to plot awesome things to do with my pups over Spring Break?? Baseball, Jesse James, The Democratic Party, and the Keres. They all want to chill with you!

<3 Kendra
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Quick Intro :o) [Mar. 16th, 2009|08:27 pm]
Hello ladies and gents, Gabby aka Kratos' player back again with my second contribution - The Antichrist!

I really don't think I need to say much more... If you'd like either of my lads for anything, feel free to AIM me at "deadbostonsaint", or email the same at

Please make sure to read the AC's info, it's my first post. I'm handling him with kid gloves. =D
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She lives! (Sort of.) [Mar. 16th, 2009|10:59 pm]
Hi all. Tess here. It turns out I didn't drop off the face of the planet (I was here in July and then poof, gone -, and most of you likely don't even know or remember me or the nutjob goddess Pscipolnitsa (She went by 'Nitsa when I wrote her last, now it's Nita. Maybe. It may be something else tomorrow, or in an hour, or even in five minutes) that I wrote for last summer. I also was the writer of the old Baba Yaga and may seize her up again.

AND if you are at all interested in the back story to Nitsa's return: )

Anyway, long story short, she's back! I'm back! And I see at last, I'm not the only one in Slavic-land ! YAY ZORYA! Hi Angela, I'm Tess. Let's be buds? ;)
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