Forgotten Gods - March 12th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 12th, 2009

[Mar. 12th, 2009|07:42 am]
For some reason my internet has decided to stop working. I don't know what to do since it's a free service, so I can usually only get on for brief moments at school. So Yeah. IDK. Hopefully it decides to work again.
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hiatus [Mar. 12th, 2009|10:40 am]
Hi everyone, I’ve got massive internet problems at home right now (thank you, snow in Marc h) and the tentative date for getting everything fixed and stable again is about a week away (thank you, living in the county and not the city). I’m going to do everything I can to speed u p the process but in the meantime it’s going to be pretty up in the air how much I’ll be able to get online. A bunch of my characters are being used in the middle of plots (or the wrapping up of plots) so… :

Hera: Shira, if Athena needs her for Senate-type things, feel free to have her included as much as you need. She’s also available for Zeus, if he needs her support in anything he can just assume he has it and I’ll catch up when I get back. Otherwise, she’s catching up with her mortal job at NYU.

Pestilence: Is at his mortal job at the CDC unless there’s some angelic/sin/horsemen debacle in which case Famine’s (or Death or War) are more than welcome to bring their big brother along to hit people with the cane. Or give them Ebola, whichever.
Hel: Isn’t doing much of anything, but will probably want to reconnect with her brothers and nephews when I get the ‘net back.

Media: Is/Was on vacation with Jamie and is probably very busy catching up with her workload, or curled up somewhere feeling very content.

Heroin )

Erebos )

Once again, I’m really sorry about leaving everyone in the lurch in terms of my characters. Anyone who needs to get a hold of me my email is I’ll do my best to get back to you ASAP.
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[Mar. 12th, 2009|08:06 pm]
Hey, sorry I'm not around this week. My computer went to hell, then to the computer store! I think I'll have it back by Saturday! <3
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[Mar. 12th, 2009|09:18 pm]
Hey this is Lilly! AKA Apollo! Mun. I just realized that I never gave TWO of my characters a proper introduction. This here journal is Pheme. She is the Goddess of rumor, report, and gossip. BOY can she either be your best friend or can she tear you apart. She seems to have eyes on the back of her head and ears that can hear for miles. If you’re sweet to her she can help you out in getting things out into the media rather craftily about people. If you piss her off—well she can rip you apart via some horrible gossip. She’s a ying and yang sort of girl. Not to mention if you tell her things in secret and you betray can bet she will run along and tell secrets she wasn’t supposed to tell.

THEN I have the Algea. They are children of Eris but instead of truly causing pain of the body they can tear someone apart from the mind, messing someone up psychologically. Though they wouldn’t mind kicking some ass, messing up the mind by causing grief, sorrow and distress is so much fun for them!

I am totally up for plot and things <3 I can’t believe it took me this long ~_~
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