Forgotten Gods - March 6th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 6th, 2009

[Mar. 6th, 2009|01:17 am]
Hi there! My name is Veronica and I’m new! I Just picked up Benten, Japanese Goddess of speech, eloquence, and music. She’s a pretty outgoing gal and like a few other deities she owns a studio so ossom studio owners unite! Her niche is that she supports foreign artists and she enjoys performing herself. She’s very candid around people she knows and feels comfortable around but if people scare her she is most likely to keep her mouth shut unless they really piss her off. But considering she’s not really powerful in the genre of battle or anything she knows her limits, lol.

I’m totally up for plot and I look forward to interacting with you all. You can email me (sometimes that’s seriously better) at or my aim is geeks say holla
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[Mar. 6th, 2009|08:32 am]


Okay, so I can't wait to introduce my girl so I'm going to do it with Lela's journal. Plus I won't be around tonight, soooo yeah. XD

I give you Temperance! Oh my, another virtue. 8D All her info is on her profile, of coure. She's big into the Gospel as is expected. While she may come off as a tight ass, she really isn't. She's just very strict as far as self indulgence is concerned. She knows how to have a good time, but it's usually limited to just friends. But she's totally open for plottage and meeting knew people. And most importantly, trying to help put the sins in their places ;) Her journal is [info]self_control

*cough*she'd really like to get together with other virtues and GOOD Christians*cough*

Hit me up! 8D

She's also somehow associated with the practice of sexual intercourse. I'm not entirely sure how that fits into her personaly cause I can't see her having sex anytime soon, let alone sex outside of marriage. So yeah... just thought I'd throw that little tidbit in there incase anyone had ideas. XD
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[Mar. 6th, 2009|08:45 am]
Nik again and because I lack anything resembling self control I bring you Eve! Because the Christian pantheon is where its at whut whut.

Forgive the tacky lack of an icon. I'll have things set up and pretty looking later. As usual am open to plotting, chatting and what have you.
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[Mar. 6th, 2009|10:48 am]
Hello my name is Frida and I bring you a New God- Pornography! He’s just kind of the chill sort of guy that says whatever he wants since he’s kind of an ass and would make the drug gods happy since he loves his weed and various other drugs. Since he thinks it’s stereotypical to be some sort of porno model/star, he just takes on the role of looking like somewhat of a geeky perv. xD

He’s just kind of blunt and if he likes someone he’s not one to sugar coat it. He’s actually quite terrible ~_~. Feel free to send me an emal at I totally still need an aim name o.o
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[Mar. 6th, 2009|11:12 am]


Going with the trend of with the influx of intro posts~  Erynn here adding to the Greeks and bringing in Zelus, brother to Bia and Nike and part of Zeus's old built in fan-party.  God of rivalry, envy, jealousy and zeal, he's the one who nudges the frat boys into who can crush the most beer cans against their foreheads or perhaps the one who might make one country jealous of how many nukes the other may or may not have.  Besides, if he wasn't there to start shit, Bia would get terribly bored and Nike wouldn't have anything to win and just where's the fun in that?  Oh.  And just because the girls get to have their fun, doesn't mean that he's not out into the fray as well - otherwise things would just get hella boring  :|

Same contact info as Amaterasu (Erynn716 AIM or  Please feel free to ping with anything!
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[Mar. 6th, 2009|09:47 pm]



Cat again. This is my last character, I swear.

This is Caerus, god of opportunity. Eternally youthful, also eternally opportunistic. Hang out with him, and a shot at something is bound to come your way. Just don't blame him if it doesn't go the way you thought it would. What you make of your chance is your own doing.

Caerus also happens to be Zeus' youngest son, and he is very much looking forward to meeting up with his siblings. He'd also be really interested in various New Gods and mostly everyone else.......hopefully, even though he's one of those pesky Greeks, they will still want to meet him.

I haven't been on AIM much these days, school is really taking a toll. I should be back on track in a day or two, though, so feel free to poke at me (imladra), or just send me an e-mail!
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Hello everyone! [Mar. 6th, 2009|09:48 pm]
[mood | cheerful]

I'm Gabby, and I round out "Zeus' Angels" with Kratos. I look forward to RPing with everyone!

You can zing me on AIM whenever at "deadbostonsaint"; I'll get back to you, I swear. Feel free to chatter at me for plots, interactions, etc.
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[Mar. 6th, 2009|10:14 pm]


'Sup dudes? Kat here, bringing to the table my second character. Everybody, meet Molly Pitcher! Molly's a figure from American folklore, catapaulted into folklore-ish immortality for her role in the Battle of Monmouth in the American Revolution -- Molly carried pitchers of water to the soldiers to cool their cannons, and when her husband was injured she took his place. Molly's been cruising around the States for the past 200-odd years, assisting in every war but otherwise just hanging out. She's very old-fashioned in her ideals and etiquette, so you won't find her (willingly) clubbing or having one-night stands.

Therefore, we should totally throw her into situations that make her uncomfortable. Who's up for it?
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[Mar. 6th, 2009|11:10 pm]


Hi all. I'm Eclipse or Crys if you prefer and I bring unto you Hecate. Goddess of magic and witchcraft, who enjoys long walks on moonlit beaches, goth rock, necromancy, ghosts and ghost stories, and a bit of this and that as well. I'm new to journal style RP so please bear with me if I make a newbie mistake, I have been RPing for several years in other venues though. My contact info is glamourbound[at]gmail[dot]com and AIM is kaimelarelle.
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