Forgotten Gods - February 24th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 24th, 2009

[Feb. 24th, 2009|09:48 am]
omg, I am so silly I thought I already introduced myself! I feel so rude! *needs moar sleep*

Anyways, hi everyone! My name is Elisha and I am new! I'm totally excited to be here and to bring you Dysnomia *coughcrazybitchcough* an Eris spawn and a sister of the Phonoi (among others). She is very loyal to them. So as you can imagine she is a trouble maker and looks forward to meeting her brothers and any sort of trouble makers out there. Now of course, she doesn’t mind meeting up with anyone else either!

Sorry for the late intro ~_~ and I look forward to plotting/playing with you all.

My aim is: badddrobott and my email is
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sorry! [Feb. 24th, 2009|07:03 pm]
Guys, I majorly fail. My only excuse is that the change of semesters has completely freaked me out. (Yes, my semester starts a lot later than most.) BUT. I hopefully have a schedule worked out now, so I'm back. I'm going to catch up with tags as soon as possible.

...Anything big that I should know about?

EDIT: Holy cow, epic Greek plot. ...Um. Someone want to tell me how best Nemesis could fit into all this?
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[Feb. 24th, 2009|11:22 pm]
I just wanted to apologize for my absence as of late. I had some life issues that were severely hampering my ability to write.

But! I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things now. There seems to be a lot to catch up on.

I'd like to get some things rolling with Nyx's family. She'll be posting something as soon as I figure out what she's been doing as of late.

Vari... we should talk. :)

As for the tags I owe... I will be working on them. And I apologize again for disappearing for a while.

I'm looking forward to joining the mayhem fun!

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