Forgotten Gods - February 15th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 15th, 2009

Intro [Feb. 15th, 2009|05:08 am]



Adding a new god into the mix. Say hi to National Security! He goes by James Sheppard and works at the Department for Homeland Security. He's a bit of a control-freak, kind of paranoid, likes to keep things orderly, comes off as a bit cold and uncaring, but he's not a bad guy once he warms up to you which might take some time or forever. >_>

More info can be found here.

Ling (Famine, Ba'al, Phobos)
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[Feb. 15th, 2009|01:56 pm]
Hey there! My name is Tori and I’m new to the awesome! I bring you the crazy, but mega fun Phonoi! The guys are a little bummed they can’t be as psycho as they used to be, but they’re still cleverly causing mayhem in the city in their own ways. They often plot what they do in unison, but at times they do things separately because they get on each others nerves. XD Arsen, the leader is the calmer one, up for negotiating with others and he plays the whole nice guy routine. Theon is the absolute psycho, often mucking things up a bit and Xeno is the guy that’s in between the two. He’s an asshole, but maybe that could change, who knows XD. They live above their weapon shop in which they treasure..very much…lol.

I would love to plot and all! Feel free to aim me at ms mizrock.
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[Feb. 15th, 2009|02:00 pm]
Hey all you attractive people. This is Shay aka Death, Hades, and Eris, letting all ya'll know that I'll be gone until Wednesday.

In the mean time, here's a picture of Death with some flowers, dawww.

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[Feb. 15th, 2009|04:18 pm]
Hello lovelies, it's Callirhoe again (Baldr's mun) and I would like to introduce Inanna/Ishtar/Astarte/Ashtoreth/etc. etc., the ancient Mesopotamian goddess of sex, fertility, and war. She used to be called the Great Whore, and in the Christian Bible she's called Ashtoreth and Babylon, and she shares a common origin with all sorts of love goddesses, including Aphrodite/Venus. So basically, she's been around forever and is a very primal sort of deity. Her desires are simple: sex, blood, and power. She's currently working as a stripper (and sometimes prostitute) under the stage name Venus and causing any chaos she can manage.

I think she'd especially love to devour hook up with the crazier of the Greeks, the Sins, and other gods of war/chaos/destruction. And it's a given that she'll stalk want to meet any and all male deities, the younger and handsomer the better.

So yes. Hit me up for any plottings/backstoryings, pls. <3
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[Feb. 15th, 2009|04:39 pm]
This is a little late, but I'm playing St. Michael - the Archangel... - I also play Guns - I'm Jake.

I'm open for plots.
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[Feb. 15th, 2009|09:59 pm]


Hello! I'm Angela and obviously new to the game. I give to you Ahmeto-Lela-Okya, alias Lela Brightfoot. She's a Native American goddess, aka Dancing Rainbow Girl, basically she dances after it rains to make rainbows. She's very friendly and cheerful, though like everyone she does have her moments of bitchiness. She can be a little naive, which is perhaps her biggest downfall. When she doesn't want to be bothered she has this infuriating way of disappearing and avoiding whomever she doesn't want to see for days on end. She also travels a lot, she does have an apartment in upstate NY but she's rarely ever there. For all of her info check out her profile.

Also, my cdj and personal journal is [info]angsmuse so feel free to friend me! Just let me know who you are and that you're at this game, because I just want people who are in games I'm in to friend that one.

I LOVE PLOT! If you have a plot idea, chances are I'll take you up on the offer. I do have the usual ground rules with Lela though, so there are certain things I'd rather not happen to her. I think it would be fun and interesting if she got mixed up with "the wrong sort" or something along those lines. If you have any questions or just want to chat my AIM is unravelleddreams

I am a wife and mom, so sometimes I may be a bit slow in response, but I'm usually pretty quick about responses. If I ever take more than a day feel free to poke me, chances are it just slipped my mind and I don't mind a friendly poke. =D I'm looking forward to playing with you all!

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[Feb. 15th, 2009|10:15 pm]
Hey all, this is Dawn just bringing you two new peeps! First this is Fast Food! He’s a complete lazy ass dork. He spends his time thinking he is a rock star in his house playing video games and eating junk food. He’s got a good personality though, hardly harmful. Comfort FOODZ HE WANTZ YOU. Of course please, I would love to plot with anyone willing to play :3

Next I have cocaine [info]cokenose. He’s one hyper mo fo. Either he is hyper or he’s sleeping all day, lmao. He’ll run circles around you and he most certainly likes causing a good amount of trouble. That’s it man, I suck :3 the profiles do so much more justice. My brain is like…fried.
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