Forgotten Gods - February 13th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 13th, 2009

[Feb. 13th, 2009|12:03 am]
I guess it's my turn to jump in. =3 Hi.

My name is Raven and I'm bringing in Mnemosyne AKA Miryam Karras. Mnemosyne has actually been pretty dormant all these years, surfacing in forms of memories and time mostly, her 'physical' form has been pretty anchored to her home/pond/river. She's only coming around now thanks to a visit from her 'river-sister' Lethe. It's stirred some curiosity in her and she's decided to go corporeal for a time and follow her own advice to experience life for what it is.

As such she'll be taking up the position of a college prep teacher on mythology & theology. Her power reserve is pretty high simply because she hasn't done much of anything noticeable for centuries, hell once the Olympians came about and her daughters (the muses) were set free on the world, it was time for mom to kick back, now she's ready to see what America truly has to offer.

I'm trying to read through and see what I've missed and where she can come in, so plots would be great to have! If you'd like to get me on AIM my SN is StillNocturnal. I look forward to playing with everyone.
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[Feb. 13th, 2009|07:20 am]



My name is Nik and my application for Nuclear Power just got accepted yesterday. To be honest I've been eyeing this game for months and finally managed to find the time and concept to contribute with. I'm looking forward to writing with all you lovely people. I'm still catching up on things but any plots and suggestions as to what to do with Nuclear would be most welcome. I'm game for anything and can't wait to start playing.
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Enter, Stage Jump! [Feb. 13th, 2009|12:11 pm]
EDIT: I have an AIM username called iCaritas, so if you randomly see it pop up adding you or anything, it's just little ol' me.

Hello, folks. My name's Ashleigh, and I'm painfully new to the world of (serious) journal roleplaying, so excuse my general noobishness. I'll be bringing you all the virtue Charity, from the Christian / Hebrew pantheon. He's a rather charming fellow, friendly, optimistic, and probably gets a bit too emotionally involved for his good. I sorta worked out for myself that he did his best to keep pretty distant from the Old + New gods after a while, especially considering the gradual degradation of his belief and power base. But, considering all the drama happening lately, and the uproar, Charity seems like the kinda guy who'd be pretty in-tune to the sensations, so I dunno? Maybe this is a ripe time for him to start getting out there again and tracking down other people, perhaps especially from his own pantheon.

For the moment I'm trying to sit back and read up as best as I can, but I'm very open to plotting from any gods at all, if anyone is interested. I don't have an AIM yet, but I'll likely get one up and running shortly enough to make everything easier.

Looking forward to playing with everyone! I've sorta admired from afar, ever since I caught wind of this place and your excellent Greek pantheon plot going on.
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[Feb. 13th, 2009|01:59 pm]


I... don't really know why I did this, except that I apparently have too much time on my hands. And I thought, with various newcomers joining the game, this might help make a little sense out of where we are at the moment. (Or it might just be cause for even more confusion.)

So here's my (ongoing) roundup of all the threads relating to the current plot. I've undoubtedly forgotten or buggered up some things (I know I haven't gotten around to linking some of today's threads), for which I apologise in advance - feel free to let me know if you see something I've missed. :)

Who: Adonis, Alcohol, Amaterasu, Andras, Annika Moore, Anubis, Apate, Aphrodite, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Azazel, Baldr, Bast, Bia, Brad Hayward, Calliope, Death, Deimos, the Dioscuri, Divorce, Dysnomia, Ecstasy, the Erinyes, Eris, Eros, Famine, Guns, Hades, Hephaistos, Hermaphroditus, Heroin, Inanna, Jord, Kali, Kratos, Lethe, LSD, Marijuana, Metatron, Michael, the Moirae, Momus, Morpheus, Mnemosyne, National Security, Nike, Nyx, Odin, Opium, Orpheus, Persephone, Pestilence, Phobos, the Phonoi, Poseidon, Psyche, Querry, Ra, the Republican Party, Sato, Shrooms, Speed, Telecommunication, Twitter, Wrath, Xochiquetzal, Yanluo, Zelus, Zeus
Where: New York City
When: January 9 - March 30
Warnings: Sex, rape, violence, drugs.

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Valentine Messages [Feb. 13th, 2009|06:17 pm]


Iris has a special offer for Valentine's Day at her journal. I didn't want anyone to miss the chance. :)

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[Feb. 13th, 2009|11:59 pm]
Hullo, hullo! This is Shira/Athena-mun bringing you my second addition to the craziness wonderful world of FG: Comfort Food.

Charlotte Cook, or CeCe as her friends call her (Oh, just call me CeCe! Yes, that means you!) is a Southern belle who travels back and forth between her corporate offices in the cold cruel North and her culinary school back home in Georgia. She's a bright, enthusiastic kind of diety who just genuinely wants to make you feel at home. (Look at you! You're wasting away there! Have another cookie.)

Am very much looking forward to having her interact with you all!
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