Forgotten Gods - February 10th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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February 10th, 2009

[Feb. 10th, 2009|03:43 am]
X__X sorry for sucking and being a bit slow. I have the flu which is causing me to lag. Poseidon and the Furies will be back shortly once the Nyquil and the Dayquil stop being slightly abused.
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[Feb. 10th, 2009|09:27 pm]
Hello, all! I'm Callirhoe, and I'm new here with Baldr the Good, Norse god of... well, he isn't really the god "of" anything, but he stands for mercy and justice and goodness and light. Also, he's invincible in an Achilles sort of way, but he's also dead, so maybe that cancels out, y/n?

In any case, I'd love to plot it up with my fellow Norsemen-at-heart. Especially Hel, if she's still around? (Because Baldr and Hel are like <3 in some odd Stockholm Syndrome-y way. This I firmly believe.) And anyone else who would like to hang out with Baldr! He's very nice and mild-mannered and chill, and back home in Asgard he got along with just about everyone, so I feel like he should make some friends.

If anyone wants to backstory and/or plot, feel free to drop me a line here or at this journal -- I don't have AIM at the moment 'cause my wireless hates AIM, but I'm always reachable by e-mail: <3
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