Forgotten Gods - February 4th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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February 4th, 2009

newbie! [Feb. 4th, 2009|10:37 am]
Hi I’m Jean and I will be bringing you the Erinyes! In short, to spare you, Alecto is bossy, quite violent and hasn’t changed through the years. Tisiphone is the reasonable one of the group (and for that she is ignored) and Megaera is a bit unstable and always sides with Alecto. It's safe to say though that running into the three of them would be..interesting..

I look forward to playing with you guys and I can be reached at: nightstarfleuret on aim :D
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Corn water martinis are proof that we live in a weeeeeeeeeeird world. [Feb. 4th, 2009|12:41 pm]


G’day, ladies and laddies.

So due to being merrily hell-bent on getting into the game and its myriad barmy affairs, I’m casting out a line: Due to certain recent events and fickle serendipity, Sato's searching for a dead artist’s beneficiary. Anybody interested in the role (or in helping her search, no matter how slightly)?

• He was someone’s cuddly follower. (Drug brood, I’m looking at ya.)
• He was someone’s student...or customer...or booty call...or any other divine sponsored enterprise available.
• He was someone’s—oh, heck, he was someone’s. Anyone? Anyone at all? Bueller?

Also, is it odd to realize that the persona you subconsciously modeled your character on is Hannibal Lecter? Hmm.
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