Forgotten Gods - January 11th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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January 11th, 2009

So sorry, guys [Jan. 11th, 2009|10:35 am]
[mood | exhausted]

Hi guys!

I had to write to apologize for not being as active of late as I would like. Long story short, both personal and professional lives have imploded. 

Right now, I know I have the following active threads:

Raphael / Azazel
Pride / Azazel
Pride / Sloth
Telecom / Lust

Did I forget anyone? If I did, please reply below.

I'll be back to "normal" i think, next week.
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[Jan. 11th, 2009|04:07 pm]


Another intro. I play Khayman James [Ra] but I figured I would do seperate introductions for them to keep organized. The Republican Party, is there any other God in more question at the moment? I think not. So, I'm sure she'll be fun, but with plenty of drama. Guns, Big Oil, The Democratic Party, Pornography, Media, all drugs. I'm sure those will be good scenes, but there are plenty that will also work. IMs, PMs, whatever works for you.

aim producing profit
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