Forgotten Gods - January 2nd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 2nd, 2009

LSD [Jan. 2nd, 2009|06:25 am]


Hi loves and lovers!

I'm DCJ, bringing you the New God of LSD.

Already SL'ing with Marijuana, LSD (or Harmony as he's now going by) is a youngish drug god who had a nasty obscurity scare a couple of decades ago which he's just now climbing out of. He's very impressionable with other drug gods but apart from that is really only concerned with his art.

He's amiable enough but can be harsh at times, mostly in for a good time and a laugh and he's eager to try almost anything and everything.

Hit me up for SL ideas on harmoniseharmony (AIM) or

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[Jan. 2nd, 2009|09:08 am]
Ladies and gentleman, I bring you Alcohol, for all your self-centred, 'I'm better than you, no really' needs. Blame Mhari.

She's mostly fun and flirty, if genuinely haughty and thinks she is all that, and the drinks are always on her. She loves her people-- ahahaha, no, she loves having people, and thinks everyone should be one of them. Worship and adore her, keep drinking, and you'll get along fine. Join AA and you'll make her pout, and no one wants pouty Alcohol. Twelve steps are way too many, anyway, right?

As for myself, I'm Steph and I'm completely new to the game, so be gentle please? I'm just a delicate flower, after all.
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