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Forgotten Gods RPG

[ i'll tell you all | my secrets ]
[ but i lie about | my past ]

[Jan. 30th, 2010|03:54 pm]

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[Current Mood |curious]

Who: Robin + Marian
What: Marian's first day of work w/her new employer.
Where: Robin's place of business, the Armored Car Service he owns
When: Monday morning (because I'm snowed in and I couldn't wait after watching a Robin Hood movie)
Warnings: None, except they do not know who each other are yet.

With his legs crossed and mounted on the desk, arms behind his head, Robert whistled a happy little tune as he waited for his new secretary to arrive. )
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[Dec. 19th, 2009|06:07 pm]

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Who: Jesse James and Robin Hood
What: Bank robbing. You know, the usual.
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: One Chase Manhattan Plaza, Financial District, NYC
Warnings: None

You still dead set on givin' more'n half of this up? )
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[Sep. 21st, 2009|07:36 pm]
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Who: Robin Hood, Bonnie Parker [guest star: Clyde Barrow]
What: It's about time you visited.
Where: Bonnie and Clyde's apartment
When: Backdated; September 3, evening
Warnings: TBD

New York City was another home, for now. )
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Open Log [Aug. 21st, 2009|10:23 am]


Who: Robin Hood[info]stealn_ur_richz + Open
Where: Local pub, lunchtime
When: Friday afternoon
Rating/Warnings: none

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Oh God, where are you now? [Jul. 29th, 2009|11:19 am]
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[Current Mood |distressed]
[Current Music |Annie Lennox - Oh God]

Who: Diligence ([info]industria) and Open
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Church
What: Praying for guidance
Warnings: It's Diligence, it'll probably be boring.

And what are you gonna do,/ About the mess I've made?/ If there was ever a soul to save,/ It must be me... )
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