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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Jan. 16th, 2010|11:07 am]

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Who: Marijuana and Peyote.
What: Happy reunion funtiems!
Where: Central Park.
When: Saturday morning.
Warnings: Language, drug use, really happy Drugs.

It took far too long to reach the slice of nature within the steel-concrete city. )
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[Jan. 12th, 2010|07:31 pm]
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Who: Shrooms and OPEN
What: Shrooms is wandering aimlessly, then again he does that a lot.
Where: Central Park by Belvedere Castle
When: Today, afternoon
Rating/Warning: TBA

He couldn't stay locked away. )
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[Jul. 4th, 2009|02:58 pm]

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[Current Music |wild child - the doors]

Who: Marijuana and Peyote.
What: 'Father'/'son' reconciliation.
Where: Central Park.
When: July fifth, evening.
Warnings: Drug use, language.

Natural child, terrible child, not your mother's or your father's child. )
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[Jun. 11th, 2009|08:43 am]
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Who: Rehab and Peyote
What: Enough is enough / getting clean.
When: Thursday mid-afternoon
Where: The Highway / an apartment Peyote rented.
Warnings: Language is a fair bet, I'm sure. Drug references, etc.

Well darlin, let's be on our way... )
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[Jun. 3rd, 2009|07:49 am]
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Who: Allegra/Elpis and OPEN
What Rescuing kitties; falling out of trees; Elpis panicking; Allegra...being Allegra.
Where: Central Park
When: Wednesday morning
WARNING: Wicked cats, falling blonds, and a rough landing.

I think you landed on someone. )
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[May. 30th, 2009|05:32 pm]

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Who: Marijuana and Peyote
What: The father/son reunion.
Where: The Highway
When: Saturday evening.
Warnings: Drug use, possible language. Sobbing drug gods.

But Grandfather-brother, Granddaddy-brother, father-brother felt like home and Marijuana smiled. )
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