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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Feb. 16th, 2011|12:07 am]

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Who: Perses ([info]perses) & Astraios ([info]reader_of_stars)
What: Titan bros being bros
When: Also around now-ish
Where: NYC
Notes: Plague-stricken yet typing warnings apply, my dearest Cat The First, so just let me know if you'd like anything tweaked or if this makes no sense at all.

this was the silence i wanted to break in you i had questions but you would not answer i had answers but you could not use them this is useless to you and perhaps to others )
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nothing unusual nothing strange close to nothing at all [Nov. 4th, 2010|10:09 am]

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Who: Perses ([info]perses) with shameless use of Asteria ([info]esteris) without permission
What: As Act One draws to a quiet close, Act Two opens on equilibrium achieved.
When: Some morning. It could be this morning, I guess.
Where: Asteria's apartment
Notes: Hi Judo, I stole your character. And for the rest of you, nothing happens in this. Also gratuitous comma abuse as per my usual. You know what, just listen to this and scroll instead.

I'm not a miracle and you're not a saint )
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why don't you come on back to the war, can't you hear me speaking? [Jul. 16th, 2010|09:18 pm]

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Who: Asteria ([info]esteris) & Perses ([info]perses)
Where: Asteria's apartment
When: July 16th, after this.
Rating/Warnings: Language at the least.

There is a war between the rich and poor, a war between the man and the woman. There is a war between the ones who say there is a war and the ones who say there isn't. why don't you come on back to the war, that's right, get in it, why don't you come on back to the war, it's just beginning. )
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