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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[May. 22nd, 2009|10:10 pm]
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[Current Mood |wistful]
[Current Music |"Mamaland", Yvonne Chaka Chaka]

Who: Joy and OPEN to anybody! (Bring your instruments, let's form a band.)
What: ...Funtimes? Meeting old friends or new, depending on who shows up. Also, music.
Why: 'Cuz she's lonely and needs funtimes of any variety. Also, because I have been listening to this for a long time and cannot help but imagine Joy's version of it, which would be slower and softer and acoustic and wistful. Lyrics are here.
When: Friday evening
Where: On a random street corner in Manhattan

Who's that man calling me stranger in my land, my mamaland? )
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[Apr. 14th, 2009|03:12 pm]
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[Current Mood |joyful]
[Current Music |"Mbube", Mahotella Queens]

Who: Mbaba Mwana Waresa (Joy) and Orithyia
What: Singin' (and dancin' and anythin' else) in the rain. Because a goddess of rain (surprise!) is having a very good day.
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Central Park, where the flowers are.
Warnings: TBD

There's nothing better than sitting dry under a tree with your guitar, watching the flowers drink in the life-giving rain. )
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