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Forgotten Gods RPG

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Who are they? Where are they? [Aug. 24th, 2010|05:54 pm]

[Current Mood |working]

Who: Mazikeen ([info]expluribus)
What: Mundane Tuesday evening, a champagne flute, a silver bell, and lipstick.
Where: Lux
When: Tuesday evening
Warnings: None

How can they possibly know all this? )
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I can do it in a church. I can do it any time or place. [May. 19th, 2010|07:31 pm]

[Tags|, ]
[Current Mood |devious]

Who: Mazikeen ([info]expluribus) & Melchom ([info]never_enough) [NPC]
What: Returning a gesture.
Where: Somewhere in the USA
When: Backdated to 16 May
Warnings: Violence

I can do it with instruments. I can do it with my own bare hands. )
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They're reaching out for something to grab [Apr. 18th, 2010|03:17 pm]

[Current Mood |predatory]

Who: Mazikeen ([info]expluribus) [Narrative]
What: Home, sweet home.
Where: Hell
When: Sometime after the gates were closed.

And someone smacks your hand )
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