Forgotten Gods [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Oct. 9th, 2010|10:02 am]
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[Current Mood |excited]

Who: Eros, Pan, Echo, Leucippus (who will appear after Pan is on for a little bit :) )
What: Eros' first show back on MTV and he has two special guests
Where: Love Me, Love Me Not set
When: Friday night [Backdated]
Warnings: TBD (Note: Pan first and then whatever order you guys want! XD)

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[Aug. 5th, 2010|10:14 pm]
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Who: Leucippus and Daphne
What: Once friends, then enemies, the no more mauled Leucippus runs into his once loved nymph
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Central Park, NY

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