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Forgotten Gods RPG

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Hope dangles on a string like slow spinning redemption. [Nov. 2nd, 2009|02:22 am]
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Who: Kokytos ([info]kokytos) and Lethe ([info]oblivio)
What: The rivers converge.
Where: Penn Station
When: (backdated to) Thursday 15 October, 2pm.
Warnings: None.

I am vindicated, I am selfish, I am wrong; I am right - I swear I'm right. )
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The cracks in the ground, like the cracks are in our lives - they are sealed. [Oct. 12th, 2009|01:34 am]
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Who: Kokytos ([info]kokytos) and Uncle Sam ([info]wantsyou)
What: Joint investigation efforts.
Where: Crime scene.
When: Sunday evening.
Warnings: None.

I know of the pain that you feel the same as me. )
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[Jun. 27th, 2009|04:06 pm]

Who: Kokytos ([info]kokytos) and Wayne Hsieh [NPC] ([info]highroller)
What: Even the most brilliant and careful people slip up from time to time.
Where: Las Vegas - Wayne's office.
When: Saturday morning.
Warnings: None.

'A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.' -- Plato )
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