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Forgotten Gods RPG

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You were strong and I was not-- [Nov. 22nd, 2010|04:49 pm]
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WHO: Tristan ([info]pictishking) and Isolde of Ireland ([info]falseheart)
WHAT: The long-awaited reunion.
WHERE: Tristan's apartment; Manhattan
WHEN: Following this thread.
WARNINGS: Angstfest galore?

-- my illusion; my mistake. )
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I know how to wear the costume. I know how to wear the mask [Sep. 8th, 2010|04:19 pm]

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Who: Iseult of the White Hands ([info]bless) & Tristan ([info]chivalryisdead)
What: Age-old grudges, betrayal and bad tempers make for bad reunions.
Where: Chicago
When: Tuesday evening
Warnings: tba

You got the power & I got the shame. Funny thing is we both want somebody to blame. )
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