Forgotten Gods [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods RPG

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[May. 25th, 2009|04:34 pm]
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Who: Ahmeto-Lela-Okya, Onatah, Silver Fox, and Iktomi aka more than half the Native's
Where: Lela's apartment and then a train station
When: Monday late afternoon
Rating/Warnings: Possible language

Can I drive? )
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[May. 10th, 2009|01:51 pm]
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Who: Coyote and America's native old gods.
What: A reunion with good friends and good food.
Where: Roadside restaurant on Route 430, just outside of Jamestown.
When: Sunday arvo.
Warnings: Alcohol, flirtation, eating too fast, all the things that come with.

It's warm in the diner, the way he likes it. Of course it's a diner, because he hasn't eaten in, like, an hour, and it's high time he did. )

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[Apr. 4th, 2009|12:28 pm]

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Who: Lela and Iktomi
Where: Iktomi's place
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating/Warnings: tbd You just never know with these two >.>

Lela had no idea what she was thinking actually going to Iktomi’s house )
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Along Came A Spider [Mar. 16th, 2009|09:14 am]
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Who: Bonnie and Iktomi
Where: Harry Winston Jewelry Store on 5th & 56th Street
When: Monday, late night (after store hours)
Warnings: TBA

And if that mocking bird don't sing, Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring. )
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[Mar. 13th, 2009|09:50 pm]
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Who: Querry and Iktomi
What: A game!
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Central Park, just under Querry's tree

A game without rules.. interesting! )
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[Mar. 11th, 2009|11:01 am]

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Who: Lela and Iktomi
What: *cough*ANGST*cough*
Where: Central Park
When: Wednesday morning0
Warnings: TBD

she needed to get away... fast )
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