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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Aug. 15th, 2010|01:16 pm]
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Who: Terpsichore and Hyakinthos
What: Their first date
Where: Mostly Terp's apartment?
When: Saturday night

Outrageously witty and relevant lyrics )
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[Jul. 9th, 2010|07:10 pm]

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Who: Clio [Narrative, open to Hyakinthos]
When: Friday, July 9 after This, and this.
Where: Clio's apartment.
What: Cracking, splintering, and breaking.
Warnings: Mental breakdowns

The silent sound of breaking glass )
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Happy Hyacinthia! [Jun. 6th, 2010|10:55 pm]
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[Current Mood |bouncy]

Who: Apollo, Clio, Hyakinthos
What: A Hyacinthia celebration
Where: Washington, a picnic ground
When: Monday afternoon
Warnings: Awkwardness

It was a lovely day, perfect weather for celebrating a fine hero such as himself. )
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Reuniting with family [May. 25th, 2010|10:52 pm]
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[Current Mood |ecstatic]

Who: Clio and Hyakinthos, open to Euterpe, Terpsichore, Elatreus, Gaia, and whoever else is at Mnemosyne's place
What: Reunion
Where: Mnemosyne's apartment
When: Tuesday evening

Hyakinthos was feeling confused. )
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[May. 27th, 2009|12:04 am]
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Who: Apollo and Hyakinthos
Where: Hyakinthos’ apartment
When: Monday night
What: Reunion!
Warnings:/Rating It’s Apollo and Hyakinthos, so there will be boy love, folks. And we’ll say R to be on the safe side.

The earth, doing a pleasure to the weeping king, brought forth a flower to console Apollon )
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Three Little Princes [May. 17th, 2009|02:53 pm]

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Who: Hyakinthos, Castor & Pollux
When: [Backdated to Saturday] Saturday afternoon
Where: Central Park
Warnings: Boy oogling, probably some language.

The thing he loved best about modern day discus - Frisbee, whatever - was that they were so light. )
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