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Forgotten Gods RPG

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I feel it in the air - the summer's out of reach. [Jan. 28th, 2010|11:08 pm]

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Who: Ares ([info]ares_godofwar) and Harmonia ([info]perfect_chord)
What: Ares pays a visit to his abnormally normal daughter before he goes.
Where: Ares' penthouse.
When: Friday night.
Warnings: None.

A little voice inside my head said 'Don't look back - you can never look back'. )
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[Jan. 16th, 2010|05:45 am]
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Who: Harmonia, Phobos, and Ares
What: Mini family reunion of sorts
Where: On the street outside of Harm's hotel, then Ares' house
When: Shortly after this - Friday afternoon-ish

Fear and Harmony in Manhattan... )

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