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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Mar. 10th, 2009|08:47 pm]
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WHO : Fashion Industry & Open
WHEN : Late Afternoon
WHERE : Apple Store
WHAT : Shopping. Of course.

For most people shopping involved carrying heavy bags, trying things on, putting them back, blah blah blah. ABSOLUTELY NOT! She came, she saw, she let orders for what she saw to be sewn up in exactly her size and sent to her apartment. )
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[Mar. 9th, 2009|06:05 pm]

WHO : Fashion Industry & her step-daughter
WHEN : Late Morning
WHERE : Fashion's Office Apartment
WHAT : A Mother-Daughter Talk
STATUS : Complete Narrative

And why not? Since she had more than enough to afford it. It had been a late Valentines Day to herself--and she loved herself very much. )
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