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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Feb. 20th, 2009|01:20 pm]

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Who: Marijuana, Brad Hayward, Ecstasy
Where: The Highway
When: Afternoon
Warnings: Drugs, possible violence, language

To say Marijuana was in a bad mood would be an understatement. )
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[Feb. 5th, 2009|12:47 pm]
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Who: Twitter, Brad and Marijuana
Where: Outside Twitter/Brad's high school.
When: Thursday around lunch time.
Rating: Foul language and eventual drug use.

Brad was not the easiest person to get along with, even for a goddess who had quite a bit of patience. )
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[Feb. 2nd, 2009|12:33 am]
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Who: Bradley Hayward IV and OPEN.
Where: Central Park.
When: Sunday night. Late.
Warnings: Probably cussing and drug use.

Ruby had been blowing him off all weekend... And not the fun kind of blowing, either. )
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[Jan. 31st, 2009|05:36 pm]

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Who: Marijuana, Twitter and Bradley Hayward IV
Where: Twitter's high school
When: Friday, 3:05 PM
Warnings: Possible language, weed.

Marijuana needed to get in touch with the internet gods... )
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