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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Nov. 20th, 2009|02:43 am]
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Who: Baron Samedi and Atropos and open really. More the merrier.
What: Digging Graves
When: Thursday Evening
Where: The Baron's Cemetery
Warning: It's the Baron, so plenty.

The cemetery he'd bought suited him )
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[Feb. 25th, 2009|02:25 am]
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Who: Brigitte and Samedi
What: A Mardi-Gras tradition, and some long overdue catching up

Where: Mystery Room, Antoine’s Restaurant, New Orleans
When: Tuesday 24th February 2009, afternoon – Mardi Gras
Warnings: Knowing these two, probably bad language and sexual references. Also very little to do with anything Greek.

Get your ticket in your hand If you wanna go through New Orleans You know when you get to New Orleans Somebody'll show you the Zulu King )
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