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Forgotten Gods RPG

[ i'll tell you all | my secrets ]
[ but i lie about | my past ]

[Jan. 12th, 2010|05:42 pm]
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Who: Tyki ([info]consommation) and Alex Young ([info]believemeyou)
What: Alex, surprised by her sudden loss of virginity, goes for a second check-up with one of Tyki's associates. On the way out, she stops by Tyki's office to thank him once again.
When: Wednesday, January 12th
Where: Tyki's Office
Warnings: TBD

What had once started as a shaky explanation of her misplaced virginity soon devolved into an indignant argument to defend her morality. )
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So take me and let me in, don't break me and shut me out. [Jan. 1st, 2010|05:53 pm]

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Who: Alex Young ([info]believemeyou) and Kane Frost ([info]hurtme_loveme)
What: Tyki's second Christmas present - what's she like? Can I have her? Can I taste her? Can I take her?
Where: Alex's bedroom
When: 2~3am Friday night/Saturday morning.
Warnings: TBD

I'm burning in the heavens and I'm drowning in a hell - my soul is in a coma. )
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[May. 13th, 2009|10:12 pm]

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Who: Jesse James and OPEN
What: Resting on the subway
When: Wednesday evening
Where: The 6 train
Warnings: None

The subway was almost empty )
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