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Forgotten Gods RPG

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Oh No They Didn't [Apr. 19th, 2010|02:22 am]
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[Current Mood |violent]

Who: Asmodeus ([info]carnaldesire), Ira and Ria ([info]ira_ria)
What: Upon returning to the surface after a forced extended stay in Hell, Deus is not a happy camper. He takes it out on his closest demon minions, inflicting permanent damage.
When: April 19th, just after midnight.
Where: A nondescript area of rubble and pavement in New York.
Warnings: R; gore, graphic violence, brief language.

'I would kill you, but that would be too easy.' )
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[Jan. 17th, 2010|12:09 am]
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Who: Ria ([info]ira_ria) and Pollux ([info]dioskouros_one)
What: A date?
When: 15h January
Where: Tree in NYC.
Warnings: It's Ria. :| [Gratuitous flirting/violence/language]

Sneaking out had never been more fun. )
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