Forgotten Gods - August 24th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods RPG

[ i'll tell you all | my secrets ]
[ but i lie about | my past ]

August 24th, 2010

[Aug. 24th, 2010|12:09 am]



Who: Jesse James, mentions of John Dillinger
What: Jesse thinks about his upcoming trip with Annie, and his meeting with John
When: Monday evening
Where: The James Farm
Warnings: None

It was about a hooker. )
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On this slope there's a hole and I have to get my self inside, telling you that its the truth... [Aug. 24th, 2010|12:13 am]


[Current Mood |annoyed]

Who: Oedipus and OPEN
What: Oedipus takes a drive, that adventure bug hitting his system. Starts upstate.
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: New York
Warning: TBD

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Who are they? Where are they? [Aug. 24th, 2010|05:54 pm]


[Current Mood |working]

Who: Mazikeen ([info]expluribus)
What: Mundane Tuesday evening, a champagne flute, a silver bell, and lipstick.
Where: Lux
When: Tuesday evening
Warnings: None

How can they possibly know all this? )
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[Aug. 24th, 2010|06:36 pm]
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WHO: Wendigo, Rabbit, Coyote, Quetzalcoatl (and possibly Danny?)
WHAT: English lessons. No, seriously.
WHEN: 8/24/10
WHERE: Coyote and Quetz's apartment
WARNINGS: Language, probably.

Maybe there are some words she really doesn't need to be learning )
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[Aug. 24th, 2010|06:55 pm]


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[Current Mood |naughty]

Who: Patroclus and Achilles
What: Hopefully light-hearted teasing...
When: Monday night
Where: Achilles' apartment

So did you huh huh did you huh? )
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[Aug. 24th, 2010|10:34 pm]
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[Current Music |(mogwai, friend of the night)]

Who: Hati, mentions of Sköll, Susannah (NPC) and Hel & open
When: Wee hours of the morning, 8/25.
Where: The streets of Manhattan, Hati's taxi
Warnings: TBA.

It is sometime after 3:30 AM... )
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