Forgotten Gods - December 15th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods RPG

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December 15th, 2009

[Dec. 15th, 2009|06:57 am]


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Who: Johnny Reb and Emo
What: They have a delivery
Where: Their house in Memphis
When: Monday morning
Warnings: Language, fluff, mentions of sex

What the hell would your sister be breakin' into our house and leavin' for you in the middle of the night? )
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We must never be apart / Lovely girl you're the beauty in my world [Dec. 15th, 2009|12:57 pm]



Who: Desmond!Divorce [Narrative]
What: Checking in on a state of mind.
When: Sometime this week.
Where: The SoCal Sin-Divorce domicile.
Warnings: None.

Desmond kept odd hours after his daughter's birth. )
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Hell is gone and heaven's here. There's nothing left for you to fear [Dec. 15th, 2009|06:29 pm]


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[Current Mood |bitchy]

Who: Adrestia ([info]inescapable) & Phobos ([info]fearandpanic)
What: Sibling reunion!
Where: Somewhere in Montana
When: Tuesday
Warnings: Language, violence - they're Ares' kids. Nuff said.

So come on let me entertain you! )
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[Dec. 15th, 2009|07:17 pm]
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Who: Nils and Icarus
What: Discussing material for his new job.
When: Tuesday evening.
Where: Nils' apartment.
Warning: Sexuality, language, etc.

Read more... )
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[Dec. 15th, 2009|10:38 pm]
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Who: Atheism and Conspiracy Theories
What: Having a beer and bro-ing out, mostly
When: Tuesday night
Where: Atheism's apartment

Get your ass over here, I'm going all emo again. )
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