Forgotten Gods - October 27th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods RPG

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October 27th, 2009

[Oct. 27th, 2009|01:49 am]


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Who: Arachne and Paparazzi (and a Bunyip)
Where: Park, near a river
When: Tuesday night
What: Halloweek
Warnings: Violence is a given

She enjoyed the night. It was quiet, and gave her time to reflect. )
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[Oct. 27th, 2009|10:09 am]


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Who: Artemis, Apollo and a draugr.
Where: New York City Marble Cemetery
When: 11:52pm, Monday night
What: Halloweek, what better time for zombies draugar to come out and play?
Warnings: Violence is a certainty.

They say that New York is the city that never sleeps but here, at least, in cemetery, the dead slumber undisturbed. Or... most of them do. )
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I can start walking on the path leading to the future [Oct. 27th, 2009|02:31 pm]


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Who: Highways ([info]the_long_road) & Triteia ([info]triteia)
What: Dinner and drinks.
Where: NYC
When: Backdated to Saturday (24-10-09)
Warnings: None that I can think of right now.

I believe that my dreams come true... )
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I am the clown with the tear-away face [Oct. 27th, 2009|03:24 pm]


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Who: Phobos ([info]fearandpanic) & Wikipedia ([info]everyday_trivia)
What: Who the fuck are you? Eh... me. Shit...
Where: NYC
When: Wednesday
Warnings: Phobos, his Doppelgänger, Wikipedia --> healthy dose of violence with a side serving of comedy.

Here in a flash and gone without a trace. )
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You make me fall and I can't sleep, and I can't give it away. [Oct. 27th, 2009|11:05 pm]


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[Current Music |Deepest Blue - Give It Away (Club Remix)]

Who: Ares ([info]ares_godofwar) and Wikipedia ([info]everyday_trivia)
What: Hello Mr. Yeti.
Where: Parking Lot near a bar in Manhattan.
When: Tuesday night.
Warnings: The Ares package.

Don't ever forget to tell somebody the feelings inside to make your dreams come true. )
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