Forgotten Gods - October 2nd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods RPG

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October 2nd, 2009

[Oct. 2nd, 2009|12:30 am]



Who: Frank and Mary James (NPC)
What: (very) Short conversation about Halloween
When: Friday afternoon
Where: The James apartment
Warnings: None

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[Oct. 2nd, 2009|01:52 am]
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Who: Alyssa and Karl
What: Alyssa doesn't make the drop, Karl's looking for some answers.
Where: Alyssa's current "employment", Texas
When: September 30, late afternoon
Warnings: TBD

But for a New God who constructed half of the invasion of D-Day, waiting wasn't exactly a strong point. )
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[Oct. 2nd, 2009|03:18 am]
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Who: Nuclear Power and Guns.
What: They don't like each other and Guns has finally found another reason to emphasize this fact.
Where: Post office.
When: Wednesday, probably.
Why: Cause Guns totally loves War and Capital Punishment and can't do anything about their little row so he goes to Nuclear Power for some release.

shut up, cause we won't stop and we're getting down till the sun's coming up! )
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Well nothing hurts and nothing bleeds when covers tucked in tight [Oct. 2nd, 2009|04:45 pm]


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Who: Morpheus ([info]chain_of_dreams) & Phobos ([info]fearandpanic)
What: Phobos has something he wants to show Morpheus.
Where: A dream.
When: Friday
Warnings: Language; tba.

And it's one more day in paradise )
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Thrill of fear flash of cruelty, was what I sensed of the signs you were sending... [Oct. 2nd, 2009|09:51 pm]


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[Current Music |"Swans" by Negative]

Who: Achilles [info]chink_in_armor  and Polyxena [info]youngestfalls 
What: Achilles finally gets Polyxena to come visit him
Where: Achilles Apartment
When: Saturday night
Warnings: Nothing as of yet, TBA

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