Forgotten Gods - March 16th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods RPG

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March 16th, 2009

I lost an island in the ocean [Mar. 16th, 2009|12:25 am]


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[Current Location |Masque]
[Current Mood |amused]

Who: Famine ([info]malnourishment), Morphine ([info]sweettoxicity); open to Sato ([info]night_yen), of course.
Where: Masque
When: Sunday evening
Rating/Warnings: TBA.

The place where nickels come to gamble on their faces )
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[Mar. 16th, 2009|01:26 am]
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Who: Jord and Hockey.
What: Drinkinnnnnnng.
When: Sunday night!
Where: Hoser's, a Canadian bar.
Warnings: Language...? I dunno.

The bar was located with little problem, and yes, it was fairly noisy and fairly crowded, and the people there weren't the sort she would have naturally tended was perfect, in other words... )
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[Mar. 16th, 2009|07:44 am]
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Who: The Zorya (closed narrative)
Where: Home
When: Monday morning
Rating/Warnings: Minor language

Just another day )
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Along Came A Spider [Mar. 16th, 2009|09:14 am]
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Who: Bonnie and Iktomi
Where: Harry Winston Jewelry Store on 5th & 56th Street
When: Monday, late night (after store hours)
Warnings: TBA

And if that mocking bird don't sing, Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring. )
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[Mar. 16th, 2009|09:48 am]


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Who: Wrath and Temperance
Where: Streets then an alley.
When: Monday evening
Warnings: Language, violence, Wrath skipping away all giddy.

Only one breed of disgusting creature made her feel sick to her stomach. )
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[Mar. 16th, 2009|06:39 pm]


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Who: Temperance ([info]self_control) and Metatron ([info]hisword)
Where: The alley where Wrath left Temperance.
When: Monday evening
Warnings: Post-gore, but it probably won't get any prettier.

He was a communicator, but damned if he didn't dislike cellphones. )
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Disney thread [Mar. 16th, 2009|08:47 pm]


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Who: The Disneyland crew (Eros, Ares, Phobos, Deimos, Psyche, Triton, Heddy)
Where: on the plane to DISNEY!
When: Before the kids went to DISNEY!
Warnings: DISNEY! Also language, dead animals and surrealism

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[Mar. 16th, 2009|09:03 pm]
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Who: Hati and Hecate
What: When Hati figures this out, he'll let us know
When: Monday night
Where: Somewhere in the general vicinity of Hecate's home

It's been an interesting week. Sköll has renewed his pursuit of the sun. This can only mean one thing: The End is ever closer and they were brought to this place to fulfill their purpose. And Hati has some work to do.

The problem with that is he doesn't know where to begin. Finding the moon has never been part of the job. This is no deer or moose or human he hunts; Màni is a cunning and worthy opponent and Hati no longer has access to the sky. Which infuriates him almost like nothing else.

There is, however, one thing he can think of that might lead to the start of a trail and with his younger brother ahead of the game, Hati is willing to try. So he heads back to the park where he briefly met a girl who held the moon's favour and picks up her scent.

Following it from there is easy.
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[Mar. 16th, 2009|10:12 pm]

Who: Pscipolnitsa and Zhara (Zhar`ptitsa) the Firebird (NPC) open to any rare being that might be around at the middle of the night, in the desert, either remotely or physically.
Where: Death Valley, California
When: The Ides of March, 11:15 pm
Rating: Sarcastic narrator. Confused demon-goddess.

Strange things happen in the middle of the night... )
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Courting Disaster [Mar. 16th, 2009|10:23 pm]
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Who: Christopher ( [info]antekhrestos ) and Enola ( [info]brighter_tmrw ); guest-starring Jasmine the German Shepherd
What: Introductions
When: Tuesday Thursday Morning
Where: Central Park

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