Forgotten Gods - March 9th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods RPG

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March 9th, 2009

[Mar. 9th, 2009|01:36 pm]


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Who: [info]stars_stripes & [info]parabellum
What: Late Night Meeting
Where: The GOP's Apartment
When: Sunday Night
Rating: TBD
Status: TBC

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Welcome to my nightmare, I think you're going to like it... [Mar. 9th, 2009|02:26 pm]


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Who: Sato & Theon sort of
What: Fulfilling her end of the deal.
Where: Dream Country.
When: (Last) Tuesday Translation: backdated like nobody’s business

Heigh ho, heigh ho. It's off to work I go... )
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[Mar. 9th, 2009|02:40 pm]


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Who: [info]stars_stripes & [info]brighter_tmrw
What: Running
Where: Central Park
When: Monday Morning
Rating: PG for Language ( maybe ... )
Status: TBC

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[Mar. 9th, 2009|04:23 pm]
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Who: Theon and Wrath
When: Early Evening
Where: Central Park
What: Having some fun at the park
Warnings: Violence, Language, Booze, plenty more it’s Wrath and Theon xD

You’re stealing my piece of meat )
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[Mar. 9th, 2009|06:05 pm]

WHO : Fashion Industry & her step-daughter
WHEN : Late Morning
WHERE : Fashion's Office Apartment
WHAT : A Mother-Daughter Talk
STATUS : Complete Narrative

And why not? Since she had more than enough to afford it. It had been a late Valentines Day to herself--and she loved herself very much. )
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Cloudy days, don't the sun ever shine anymore? [Mar. 9th, 2009|06:19 pm]
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Who: Nuclear Power, Psyche, Athena (and possibly later Death?)
What: Kidnapping, Drinks, Venting, and possibly Bashing
Where: Sunita
When: Monday Evening

Stormy weather will you always be around? When I'm down, and I can't stand... )
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[Mar. 9th, 2009|06:29 pm]
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Who: Freyja and Heracles
Where: Restaurant, then a hotel presumably
When: Eight, monday evening
Rating/Warnings: Teh sex, of course.

That's how she rolled )
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[Mar. 9th, 2009|07:31 pm]
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Who: Hati, OPEN
What: Attempting to stave off cabin fever
Where: The streets of New York. Pick one. >.>
When: Monday night

They're out of cigarettes. Hati would usually send his brother to get more, but Sköll has been taking care of everything since their arrival so far. That and it's past sunset; not only is the younger wolf cranky when it's dark, but Hati is antsy. He hasn't been outside in days. Nights. Whichever.

As soon as he is, he remembers why. The air is foul here. Instinctively his gaze wanders up to the sky. Almost full. He knew it had to be something.

"[[Ah, Máni. You do not look so well from here. Were it not my duty, I might think you weren't worth my time.]]" It's a lie, of course. The moon is far more than simply a duty to Hati. It's a reason, a reason he needs a reminder of right now. Sköll had scouted well - he always does - and they weren't sure what to make of what he'd found out. Wars among gods that were not their own, the presence of some of their own (Odin, of course), new gods taking up power. None of them would be trusted, even those they might call family.

For once, the moon does little to ease his concerns and Hati falls back on the next best thing. He howls.

In this time and place, he can't say he expects anyone to answer.
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What am I supposed to be? [Mar. 9th, 2009|09:09 pm]


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[Current Music |DJ Tiesto feat. Allure & Julie Thompson - Somewhere Inside of Me]

Who: Ares ([info]ares_godofwar), Triton ([info]trident_conch)
What: Ares shows up at Triton's place, as requested.
Where: Triton's place. Living room, to be exact?
When: Monday afternoon.
Warnings: Fail, lols and probably 'inappropriate behaviour' between two men. Does being Greek validate these things? I don't know anymore.

Weak inside; we'll never be anything other than lonely. )
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[Mar. 9th, 2009|09:31 pm]
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[Current Music |Thrice: Digital Sea]

Who: Triton, Internet, Athena
What: Seeing just what Internet can do and paying a much needed visit
Where: Triton's Mansion and the Surrounding Area
When: Sunday

I am drowning in a digital sea/I am slipping beneath the sound/Here my voice goes to ones and zeros/I'm slipping beneath the sound )
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[Mar. 9th, 2009|10:22 pm]
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Who: Eris and open
What: The grand enterance
When: Monday afternoon
Where: The Highway

Well, that's just terrible. )
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[Mar. 9th, 2009|11:29 pm]
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Who: Rave, The Dryad, Hecate, OPEN!!
What: Terrorizing the nightclub scene! -- Meeting at the park first
Where: The park // Various night clubs
When: Late Monday evening

We are the children of the night... )
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