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Thursday, June 4th, 2009

    Time Event
    Captain Kirk was walking through the halls of the Starfleet base. He was given his usual yelled at for his gun hoe attitude. On the other hand he was given congratulations for a successful diplomatic mission.
    He then remembered what had happened when he was his usual drunk self as he walked passed the gardens he remembered there was something he needed to do.

    Lately he had been thinking about that pilot Tessa. There was something about her something intoxicating something that just attracted him……..well at least she wasn’t green. He thought he walked toward where she would be staying he stood in front of her door unsure of what to say or what to do.

    He then took a deep breath and gently tapped the door hoping she was home and he would try to talk to her. He wasn’t sure where to begin but hoped something would happen.

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