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Saturday, May 16th, 2009

    Time Event
    Shoreleave at home!
    "Tha's the last of em'" Scotty said looking to the left. The rest of the crew had already beamed back down. The Enterprise was in for repairs and everyone had been ordered to Earth for manditory shore leave.

    Everything was ready, a few days in San Francisco and then it would be back to the black! But in the meantime, Reena had a few things planned. She had a small scar on her forehead - a reminder of the injury from just a few days ago. She was back on her feet and standing in the Transporter Room with the rest of the senior staff - Pavel's arm around her shoulders, as they had plans to go to their favorite resturant in Russian District. They'd had the time they needed when she was inrecovery to finally just catch up - Pavel often spurring off into math terms like they used to... Math as a language was fun because no one else understood it and it had made the nurses look at them funny.

    "We're next, I guess," she said looking around. This was actually something of a disappointment in some ways... she'd only been on board a few days and suddenly they were back on earth?

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