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on/off hiatus until the first week of may [18 Apr 2013|07:35am]
hey guys! i really don't want to do this, but school is proving a bit too much atm. this... could be premature, considering we're mostly doing revision from now on i think? but i'm still doing a lot outside school and during the week i'm generally just exhausted, so until study leave i'm declaring a ~sort of hiatus.

basically i'll still get things done and still be around on the weekends hopefully, but i'll probably take longer at things/be around a bit less until may. (sigh, what's the difference, i hear you ask? we just don't know.) but if you need anything modwise/want to plot with della, lily or celeste, feel free to drop me a message on amelioratess at aim or here, even. (aaaalso hopefully soon i will have an intro post up for celeste god, i'm sorry i'm so awful.)

[ viewing | April 18th, 2013 ]
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