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[01 Mar 2013|06:08pm]
Here is second one of my jumble of idiots!

the artist of the family )

[01 Mar 2013|08:33pm]
Um. Hey hi. Hello hello. What's up. I'm Xav. I'm 25. I live in Florida, USA, which is Eastern Standard Time (GMT/UTC -5). And... I'm finally doing this intro!

By some stroke of luck I managed to get two apps accepted so I have for you Roxanne Weasley and Lysander Scamander.

Lys and Roxanne )

Unfortunately this introduction comes with apologies! I'm leaving for vacation this Sunday so I just have tomorrow until I leave. (And I haven't started packing...) However I'm only gone a week! I'll be back next Sunday with pictures and souvenirs!

So yeah. I'm up for any and all plotting! Bring me your Potter-Weasleys, Ravenclaws, pretty people, wildlife enthusiasts, caffeine addicts!

[ viewing | March 1st, 2013 ]
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